European Universities

The University of Thessaly was founded in 1984and has elected the first Rectorate Board in 1998. Its administrative andacademic center is in the city of Volos. In order to serve the needs of theregion of Thessaly, its first Departments were based on agricultural, educationaland technological sciences. In its initial phase of organization and operationthere have been eight Departments, seven of them in Volos and one, the Schoolof Medicine, in Larissa. 

Since 1984 and onwards the University of Thessaly hasbeen gradually growing with new Departments in the four biggest cities of theregion of Thessaly, Volos, Larissa, Trikala and Karissa. Its present academicstructure consists of sixteen (16) Departments, four (4) Faculties and theywere all founded by the end of 2000-01. 

Today the University of Thessaly has9.647 undergraduate students, 1.471 postgraduate students and 1.148 PhDstudents. It also has 560 members of teaching and research staff, 98 members ofteaching staff with a temporary teaching contract, 308 members of administrativestaff and 57 members of Special Technical Laboratory Staff. It is a Universitywith its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educationalsystem, known for its quality in teaching, research, human resources, spirit ofcooperation at all levels and a dynamic presence in the society.   
