European Universities

The Kyiv National Economic University (Ukrainian: Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана), named after Vadym Hetman, is a higher educational institution in Kiev, Ukraine, and a self-governing (autonomous) research National University. The university was founded in 1906. 

The Kyiv National Economic University is the largest economic educational institution in Ukraine, recognized in our country and the world as a center of training of economists, lawyers, and managers. It is the self-governing (autonomous) research national university.

 The area of the university is 118,765 m² or 9.4 m² per student. Classroom foundation includes audiences for lectures, rooms for seminars and workshops, computer classes and more. The total area of fund classroom is 14,332.7 m². The university also has 6709 m² gyms area and own the stadium and 6 hostels. The number of students in Kyiv National Economic University is approximately 15,000.
